Get CPR Certified!

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) keeps blood flowing to provide oxygen to the brain and other vital organs. When promptly and properly performed, this life-saving process gives the victim a better chance for recovery. When CPR is given within the first two minutes of a heart attack, the chances the person will survive nearly double!

Brain death occurs six minutes after the heart stops circulating vital oxygenated blood!

Classes will be available soon!

Anyone can learn CPR – and everyone should!  According to the American Heart Association, 70% of Americans feel helpless when someone is suffering from a cardiac emergency; they either do not know CPR or their training has lapsed.  And keep in mind…the life you save may be that of someone you love – four out of five cardiac arrests occur at home. You can be prepared.  Join the three percent of the U.S. population that’s trained and certified in CPR.

Please check back often – we’ll keep you posted when classes are scheduled.

All classes will be held at Southwestern College, unless other locations are specified.
900 Otay Lakes Road  •  Map

Why learn CPR?

CPR makes you smarter.
When you complete training, you’ll learn something new!

You’ll know what to do.
Get the tools and confidence you need to transform yourself from a helpless bystander…to a life saver!

CPR classes are fun!
Classes are hands-on and interactive in a fun and supportive environment – and you’ll meet other great people!